about me

dawn/bear || 23 || nb ace lesbian (she/they) || white || ♓️my favorite ship from naruto is gaalee (gaara x rock lee) so be ready to see me never shut up about them <3

faves ♥

gaara || rock lee || sakura haruno || metal lee || shinki || deidara || konan || might guy || sai (yamanaka)

before you follow

i have a really bad habit of deleting posts from time to time || i don’t appreciate my fave ship being made fun of, even as a joke || pls let me know if i need to use tone tags (i.e /lh, /j, /srs) when talking to you || if i ever do or say anything that makes you uncomfortable please dm or reach out to me || if i’m following anyone problematic please tell me

dnf | dni

basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic etc) || support 🇮🇱 || ed/shtwt || proship || l0li/sh0tacons || zoophiles || don’t support he/him or they/them lesbians || think you can be a bi/straight lesbian || dsmp twt || vezypoo fans || vivziepop fans || you ship real people || toxic sns/ss/nh/gnr shippers || gaalee hater || compare sakura and hinata or just compare any of the female characters in general || make trap jokes when talking about haku || konoha apologists || jiraiya stans